Politics and stuff
Happiness #13 : The ability to abstainToday an old acquaintance came into my workplace and as is usual of their highly irritating habit, they began loudly showcasing how much they know about past and current political affairs drawing the eyes of those who were hearing such passionate statements being made in a seemingly intelligent manner. Hmm... sounds like... well, me.
HOWEVER! I am proud to announce that today, it was NOT me! and furthermore, I am proud to announce that while I asked a few very general surface questions, I did not ignite and I did not provide the opposing team of what could have been a very controversial, frustrating, and offensive scrimmage. Usually all of the debates I enter, which is usually ALL the debates I am presented with, end that way.
Perhaps I am giving myself too much credit, because when this individual comes along, I cannot deny that I am vehemently repelled by their didactic more-knowledgable-than-thou method of delivering their information, and I very rarely involve myself in a discussion with said individual. So perhaps I was just exercising my usual approach to this person. And yet, I'd rather like to believe that I am becoming more adept at.... how do they say.... "picking my battles."
Instead, I clearly took the "I would like to abstain, thank you" stance, looked over at my co-worker and proceeded to joke inanely about being "swole," making faces, and laughing about how certain supposedly intelligent people were making the most ridiculous and ignorant comments. For me, I think it was a crisis averted. Score: me = 1, political frustration resulting in aggression and anger = 0.
Challenge #2 : Good Samaritan
Super easy challenge. "Solve one person's problem today." Well, I went to work with that challenge in mind and I asked around... luckily, nobody wanted to take up my offer and open an ugly can of worms. For that I am SO so grateful because while I never cringe from a friend who wants to open up, I don't know if my somewhat meh mood was up to the challenge of listening to somebody whine and whine. And usually serious life issues... well, not really serious, but "dire" and dramatic life issues, cannot be resolved within a 6 hour time frame, so it all worked in my favor. But then, as I walked home from work, I realized I had yet to resolve an issue for somebody and there was nobody that I was going to see for the rest of the night except for my roommate.
Uh-oh. Let me just say this: my roommate's greatest tragedies in life consist of very few things.
1) He's broke, or broke relative to how much he would LIKE to have, which is millions, meaning he'll always think he's broke until he hits it BIG;
2) A girl is... and this other girl is... I don't know, because there's this other girl who's really cute.... I just want to be her friend... and that one girl thinks.... and yada yada yada;
3) I'm hungry / I'm so fuckin' tired...
and considering I am beyond the point of broke even more than HIS point of brokeness, I can't really do much for him there. I mean who has millions just laying aside.... and I have tried and tried to help him through his female calamities, but unless I just switch off his brain and pull a wire, that issue is unlikely to be resolved until his testosterone drops below female and even then it's questionable whether his women dilemmas will be over. and I'm not his cook, nor his bed so that sucks for him.
What's a girl to do?! 'Lo and behold. SURPRISE!! at home then, my darling roommate surprises me with a NEW issue that must be resolved! This is my chance- wooot wooot!! What is it you ask? Well, it's not the most impressive issue to resolve, however our kitchen trash had been gathering and gathering for almost two weeks and it was not only smelling up a dead body, but it was overflowing into a sidekick trash bin. As he was cooking and needing to fill up the trash bin all over again, he told me that I could resolve his issue by taking out the trash while he cooked his food. Quite a gender role reversal if I may say so myself, however I was ever too happy to complete my challenge and call it a night! Don't think it was easy! I'm just glad I didn't have rotten fluid mix from two weeks worth of food leaking onto my foot! Blech.
Challenge complete! Next?
Recipes #1, 2, & 3 :
Tempeh Macaroni and Cheese, Quinoa Burgers, Vegetable Tian
I have chosen the first three recipes that I will try. Now I have had to pare down the recipes to try due to my new animal-conscious and environmentally friendly outlook on meat. I am stuck in the middle between wanting to stay healthy and consuming good proteins, and wanting to be less morally reprehensible and less anthropocentrically minded. However, I have come to a few recipes to begin working on other aspects of my bucketlist to jumpstart my life as it is a bit mundane and I am fundamentally and absolutely against mundanity.
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photo taken from thehazelbloom.com |
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photo taken from Linda at eatingwelllivingthin.wordpress.com |
The second recipe is something I am really stoked about: QUINOA BURGERS!! Take the golden food and turn it into something super yummy, easy to store, and reheat and I'm sold!
Just look how yummy it looks!
I cannot wait to try it and believe me I'll let you know all about how scrumptious it is!
photo taken from Pam at fortheloveofcooking-recipes.blogspot.com |
Recipe links and my own photos will be coming soon I think... I can't wait to start cooking... whenever will I finish everything else?? Ahh.. but that's what keeps life interesting right?