Lots of new things happening! New phone, new recipes, new PUPPY!! new turd messes all over the house... :(So my phone got waterlogged when my water tipped in my bag. After four years of using the same shit phone, I was finally forced to upgrade. Helloooooooo Andy. My new Android is pretty amazingly.... confusing. I can use the apps better than I can make actual phone calls... this is strange. But I will be honest, I like the interface way more than I like the iphone and it's true what everyone says- customizability makes it yours vs. a phone like everybody else has. The DIYer inside feels confined when settings are limited and options are predetermined. Andy keeps me happy and interested if not struggling to make phone calls. the upside to this dilemma is that i never use my phone anyway so i guess now i've just got a portable email checker :)
The next new thing is that I finally made pickled asparagus like i've been planning forever! My friend brought me a buttload of asparagus a couple of weeks ago and my little family of three (one of which refuses vegetables-- this is my older brother i speak of) just cannot get through 17 lbs that fast! Plus your pee smells funnay....... i feel like we discussed this before. did we discuss this? i think we did. I've got 2 days before I get to eat my asparagus and i'll let you know how it goes. PLUS, i'll post photos with my NEW MULTIFUNCTIONAL PHONE!!
Finally, the most exciting, extremely time consuming, unbearably adorable, and smelliest newness in my life is Mori, our family's new Akita/Malamute mix puppy boy. First, before I tell you his story, here are some piccas!!
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isn't he such a handsome boy?! |
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look how big his paws are! he's gonna be HUMONGOUS. |
Mori was a chance discovery. My brother was walking into a grocery store one day and saw an ad for malamute puppies. Now, I didn't know malamutes are cousins to the husky so i would have absolutely walked by. plus, I never look at those bulletins anyway. But my dear brother, knowing the husky relation was intrigued. Earlier that day, I had been cruising on Craigslist for pets that people have up for adoption and I had texted whether he wanted a german shepherd so the "let's get a dog" ball had started rolling... i guess it was just in the air for some reason! The next day, we went to go see the puppies... and my were they handsome puppies. The mom and dad were absolutely gorgeous dogs and i think it shows in the looks of the litter. Interestingly, all the males were like Mori- black with white and some sable colored mixes and all the females were sable, brown and blonde! They were such a happy little litter that I almost didn't want to bring him home away from his siblings. It really broke my heart :(
But alas- the feeling that we must have him overcame all other emotions. He was just.... TOO CUTE!
The first day he was so nervous and scared. I'm sure it didn't ease his mind when we sat him in the tub and gave him a triple lather bath! The little turdsniffer was SO dirty i think he might have clogged the tub. But it was worth it in the end. His whites became whites, his blacks began to gleam and in a matter of hours, so did his sparkling sharp little eyes. They weren't lying when they said Akitas are extremely intelligent because within 2 days, Mori is already sitting patiently for his food, knowing the clamboring on people and jumping up leads to nothing. Not only that, aside from the occasional mistimed outings, he pretty much recognizes "go potty" as his cue to let the water flow, and all the food back out... if you know what i mean. I haven't had an accident in my room in two days and it's not because he doesn't have to go. Once i let him outside, it's a beeline for his potty spot giving me only seconds to get out the "go potty" command before he's already letting it all hang loose hehehehe. You may be grossed out but i never thought potty training would be so amusing! No doubt it's just because he's so smart you can see the progress happening very quickly, instead of taking months. Next thing we really have to work on is his puppy nipping. Sounds bad and it pinches something awful, but considering he's only been with us for a week, i think he's doing just fine. Nipping, and the sit command are all coming up.
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remember this giant apple? No? I didn't show you? |
Watch the beast in action! NOM NOM NOM!!! APPLES!!
Write commentsAll women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his. - Oscar Wilde
ReplyPS. apples = a.m. turd presents.. durrrr
ReplyPPS. iphones are cooler