Some things and some other things
Remember that time when there was an abundance of poop?no?
that's because it's ALWAYS and it is NOW.
never quite in the past tense while this guy's around |
Well whatever. My vermicompost bin has been set up for a couple of days now and the poop-that-is-worm-food has been added as well as a cushy home for the new tenants.
I've never BEEN more excited about poop and worms. it's a little bit disturbing but bear with me here.
The bin is all set.
the home is prepared.
when will my super hard workers be coming?
according to USPS:
that's right people~ my worms are going to be here on monday! a POUND of worms. a pound of RED worms. a pound of red WIGGLER worms! I'm beside myself. BESIDE myself.
if this all goes according to plan then for $40 I will be recycling a never ENDING supply of dog poop and reusing the worm poop that is worth more than gold (to gardeners of course). And the worms will just keep breeding. and breeding. and laying little cocoons!
The way I figure once I get some cocoons, I'll just toss them into my garden compost bin and let magic happen. Please let some magic happen!!
Because my veggie compost bin REEKS!
"how can you say that about kitchen scraps when you're so excited about poop. surely poop smells worse!" you're thinking....
shut up. you don't know what you're saying!
I actually prefer to open up my box of poop to opening up my bucket of food and hay. It will get better- it will. but i'm hoping to baby jesus that a handful of red wigglers and maybe some cocoons tossed in the garbage bin will help the process go by faster.
>>>UPDATE (aug 19, 2013): i just checked my bin yesterday and after aerating and twirling all the nasty rotty stuff around I am happy to report.... IT'S HEALTHY!! AND HAPPY!! AND OH GOODNESS THE REEK IS GONE THE REEK IS GONE! I'll still be throwing in some red wiggler cocoons when they arrive. hollaaaaaa~Another bit of news... I'm happy to report my new cat that I finally got (knowing full well of their evilocity of course) is getting along famously with Mori..... ish. there is still a little bit of cat/dog sentiments that come out once in a while but that has more to do with the fact that as a tiny little critter the cat gets under the super energetic and strong massive paws of the dog and then there's cat's panic of life almost having ended and dog's thoughts of "is this going to be a chase game!? yaaaayyyy!!"
I do catch them snuggling and snuffling and playing with the same toys and whatnot but it will probably still be some time before the cat will want to sit on Mori's head like i want him to. and then it will be a skip and hop away from.....
Did i mention the cat's name? I gave my brother the honor of naming the kitteh and the decision landed on Memento. So now we have a Memento and a Mori roaming around the house but more intimately they are known as Memmie and Mo.
Memmie loves to watch movies with me and sleep like a nerd.
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sleep ovah heeeere |
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sleep ovah theeeeere |
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watch a little teeeeveeeeeee |
ALSO new- my wine making endeavors. Trial 1 = blueberry wine wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~
So far so good. Four days into the yeasting process it smells decidedly boozey. and soon when it's ready i'll drink and be a shameless floozey. cuz i'm not choozey. when it comes to wine- that's a dooooooozey.
see what i did there?
did you?
you did?
yeah you did.
seriously. it's happening.
What else is going on...... {tap chin} hmmmmmmmmm...
I tink i tink dat's all folks! Now i just wait for my worms to get here, then i'm also going to make some Mead and then i'm also planning a little welcome home party for my faaaavorite mom :P