The question is this: water.

12:43 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Am I even capable of doing something for one full year? Other than my job, I find that it's hard to find something I've done almost every single day for a full year... at any point in my life.

I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing the for some reason this realization saddens me. Perhaps for someone who is very ritualistic doing something for a full year is normalcy and nothing to think twice about. For myself.... I think every one of my plans to "do (_____) every day for (___) days" falls into obscurity within two weeks.. maybe three. I juiced for two and a half months actually every morning at 5! Commendable I'd say! Incredible! Magnificent! But two and a half months is no full year.

What to do what to do...

What can I challenge myself with to do for one full year?

Something that doesn't require getting changed. Something that doesn't require external equipment- or at least BIG equipment... Something that I can do on the spot where ever I am at the drop of a hat... It can't require that I do it at the same time every day. Preferably it's something that will make me skinnier. but that last one's a "preferably" hehehehe...


you know what I do everyday? I check my (lack of) money everyday! Can that be a thing? No, that's definitely not a thing....

Maybe I'll start drinking water. That's something I've tried to do again and again...

I'll start drinking x amount of water every day. AND ideally that'll make me SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO skinny! hehehehehe!

Plan! :)

Can i do it every day? we shall see.

Photo Credit: Stock.Xchng (brokenarts)