Happiness #15 : Daydreams and Tea

4:07 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

Today I have had this strange recurring daydream about traveling to England.  Two things. 1) I usually don't daydream: I actually dream, and by that I mean I'm usually unconscious in a state of sleeping and not wake-sleeping, if you know what I mean.  2) I have never really wanted to go to England before.  Seriously, I may be a strange one compared to many, but I have honestly never wanted to visit England, or France for that matter.  Mostly because I feel as though those countries are a little too.... how should I put this delicately?... they're a bit too "white" for me.  I always felt as if I would get there and feel like I was still in America but surrounded by people who speak English strangely, if at all.

And yet.  Today despite my multiple freak-outs and first-time computer crash where data was not retrievable, I found myself randomly interrupted with thoughts of traveling to England.  It must have something to do with two of my classes revolving around British Literature and Modern Poetry in America influenced by British poets.  However I could just be very tired and as such, highly susceptible to poisonous thoughts.  If that is so, perhaps I need to go back to dreaming, and not daydreaming.

Taking a moment to calm down, have a freakishly large cup of tea, and breath in for a moment while I type away my thoughts, is undoubtedly my moment of happiness for the day.  I only wish I had some sunlight streaming in, but alas, the scent of cinnamon floating up from my mug will have to suffice.


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