Happiness #28 : Old is not old?

1:36 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

Ugh, so I tried to paint an old man... and clearly proportions is not the ONLY thing i need to be working on {sad}.  At least he ended up kind of smiling.. it was starting to look really angry and scary for a while.. and I must invest in a highlighting utensil like a gel pen because white colored pencil just makes everything look blurry where I use it.  BAH! WRINKLES!! HOW DO I GET WRINKLES?!

Creature from "Insidious"

My brother says he looks like a creature... one from the horror film "Insidious." This can only mean that this rendition of an old man is frightening... {tear}.

I'll be back with something decent in a few days..........


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August 20, 2011 at 12:19 PM delete

Why is he, like, cross-eyed?
