Happiness #26 : Watercoloring

2:51 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

I've decided to try my hand at watercolor painting.  A terrifying medium of my past, I was a little hesitant to try again.  But alas, my hand has picked up a bit of skill with the passage of time.... now if only Pandora would stop hurting me with Norah Jones and get back to the good music I can brag a little about my paintings!
my kitchen table top studio
For my first attempt, I chose a vividly blue picture of the moon rising above a pitch dark ocean that I had saved online months ago. The painting definitely did not go as planned... luckily there are such things as mixing mediums and the wonderfully forgiving texture of oil pastels to disguise my mistakes!

With blue fingers and a blue heart at the expected but unwanted challenges presented by this tricky tricky paint of paints, I steeled my nerves and said "Damn you water paints!!" as I dove in for round 2!  Several panicky moments and frantic dabs of the eraser towel later, I looked triumphant upon my winter moonrise with only a few scraped knees and some serious bruises.

Ok, yeah I know.  The trees don't really look like trees and the grass has definitely too much red in it to really be convincing as "winter" grass.  But the sky looks so purty!!  I'm thinking next time I'll just do giant swatches of super cool colors fading into each other and name them all "Sky" with numbers after them.  As for these, i'll save them and cash in on them when I'm super famous and these sell as collector's pieces for something like.... 25 million a piece, maybe?  heh heh... maybe more like 20 million..

That all said, at almost 3 in the afternoon with some dishes in the sink and a triple chocolate cake bakin' in the oven, I'm off to search for my next masterpiece! Yay for new hobbies!


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August 17, 2011 at 11:32 PM delete

I reserve both. But I'm gonna need a discount because grass is isn't red;)

August 18, 2011 at 5:14 PM delete

you can't have them. they're reserved for mah daddy!! :)
