Happiness #26 : Watercoloring
I've decided to try my hand at watercolor painting. A terrifying medium of my past, I was a little hesitant to try again. But alas, my hand has picked up a bit of skill with the passage of time.... now if only Pandora would stop hurting me with Norah Jones and get back to the good music I can brag a little about my paintings!my kitchen table top studio |
With blue fingers and a blue heart at the expected but unwanted challenges presented by this tricky tricky paint of paints, I steeled my nerves and said "Damn you water paints!!" as I dove in for round 2! Several panicky moments and frantic dabs of the eraser towel later, I looked triumphant upon my winter moonrise with only a few scraped knees and some serious bruises.
That all said, at almost 3 in the afternoon with some dishes in the sink and a triple chocolate cake bakin' in the oven, I'm off to search for my next masterpiece! Yay for new hobbies!
Write commentsI reserve both. But I'm gonna need a discount because grass is isn't red;)
Replyyou can't have them. they're reserved for mah daddy!! :)