Cats... oh they are just SOOOO fucking clever

9:58 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

It's frustrating when your cat is just so much cleverer than you. With my puppy it's like AWW how cute this and ISN'T HE JUST THE SWEETEST that and whatnot. with this cat of mine...


he's too stinking smart. he can open all of my doors no problem as long as they're not latched completely. he can open my counter oven door. all he needed was that ONE time i stored something in there for safe-keeping and he could smell it and then he got it and now he makes it daily practice to check if there's anything in there.

new plan. i'm gonna leash the sucker. when i'm cooking or eating i'm gonna leash him so that he can't interfere. little bastard acts like he's never fed or like he doesn't steal my dog's food on the DAILY. poor dog... he's too stupid to know how much he's being bullied by this little terrorist.

plus i think he needs to go on walks. don't cats need walks?

The New York Times thinks yes. and what a handsome little leashwalker he IS!