I'm sorry.

6:47 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

I've neglected a little piece of you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm NOT sorry.

I think this says it best:

Because while i have been neglecting here i've been doting over there and dabbling a bit more over thither and yada yada...

Yoda truck illustration
1/2 marathon registration
vipassana retreat registration
somewhat impromptu trip to Florida..?
porshce fund
white ink tattoo(s)...?

tons of money suckers... time suckers... life enriching activities coming up... lots to do lots to see!

ain't nobody got time for your whining...

i don't even know what i'm talking about anymore.

Good morning, I love you!

responsibility wins again

7:22 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

It's actually so very hard and not ALL that rewarding to be responsible. Nobody is going to give me a cookie for paying off my credit card debt with my tax refund instead of putting it into my "porsche" fund. Yet the heart stab pain is there... and the "more hours worked to make up that chunk of greens" is there...

But i will reward myself today. Because my highest interest soul-sucking bit of debt has now been COMPLETELY cleared. I will actually be shredding the card today. which is ok because i have auto-deduct from spotify and netflix which are negligible charges a month and entirely affordable as monthly "luxuries" and whatnot.

Then with the remainder of the refund I have supplemented my porsche fund by just a little and finally i've crossed the $1000 saved threshold. what is it about that line that is SO hard to cross? in the scheme of things it's not even that much but when i was saving up for my motorcycle, my trips, my (blank), etc etc.. it seemed like i would get to $600 then "something came up" or $900 and my brother needed to borrow *cough: take :cough* money HAHA!

So today I treat myself with something delish and migod nobody will tell me anything negative! yay me!!

I'll revisit this post when i'm out there applying for a loan for my porsche and they decide to give me a GREAT deal! because that will be another reward for the heartache i feel today.

The End is Near

10:06 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

A friend has brought to light a very terrifying notion. This blog is now almost at the age of self destruction. Less than one month hence I shall be 25 and barring any major tragedies I will have made it.... whatever that means..

I need to revisit my bucket list- the genesis of this blog- for I'm afraid I've lost my way.


I got a ukulele!!!

not really relevant to the issue i'm sure. no, not "i'm sure" i'm positive my acquisition of said ukulele has no relevance to my blog self destruct issue.