Happiness #20 : Been a couple of days

10:57 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

There are just some songs that take you away from everything.  How little we know about our senses.  Sometimes you hear a song that you have never heard before but in your mind you are sure - absolutely sure that you have heard it all of your life.
In the sixth grade my best friend and I would loiter in her (freezing) living room and turn the tv to the music channel while we hung around and spent the day away just being. One day after the giant release of Audioslave's "Like a Stone" I went over to her house, threw down my backpack and sprawled on the ground.  She asked if I had heard this amazing new song and played it for me.  I remember this day so clearly because certain songs impact you in a way that you cannot explain.  As I listened to the song, I could feel my heart slowly float a little.  There was a flutter of a wing and a wisp of a breeze.  I was somewhere else in the world, doing something the body at my friend's house had no idea about.  I immediately said of course I knew what song it was.  I had heard it a million times!  It was not until years later when I happened upon more information that I realized there is no way I could have heard that song a million times because the reality is that I had never heard it before as it did not exist before.  But I was so sure...  I still listen to the song and over the years, never have I felt an urge to change the track, if anything I'll repeat it once more before I move on.  I still have that feeling of nostalgia as if this song has been with me for years.  But by now, it has been.

Recently I have had the luck of running into another such song.  It is by a band I had never heard before but as I listened to the song, I was captivated.  I was more than captivated, I was transported.  I was suddenly back to when I was young enough to not understand financial embarrassment or the concept of "impossible."  I was walking around the inside walls of a giant flea market in Packwood? Federal Way? People bustling about shopping for used items and bargains.  This was my island and forgotten trinkets, my uncovered treasure.  A paperclip there, a stray bead here, a shiny piece of glass broken from an antique mirror - not that I knew what antique even meant.  Carefully and tenderly carrying these treasures in my pocket, I would be filled with a sense of possibility.  What will I make with these?  Looking back at myself, I imagine a tiny little street rat dirty and wandering.  Suspiciously poking around on the ground and getting into nooks everywhere.  From here, the flashbacks are laced in a honeyed orange color that tints my mind and everything I see in my memory of those days.  Just like I see when I listen to this song.  What do you see?  Maybe nothing.


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May 16, 2011 at 3:42 AM delete

Have you heard Fake Empire and Slow Show? They're my favourite.

May 24, 2011 at 3:41 PM delete

I actually downloaded the discography so now yes, I have heard those. I didn't know about this band before though. Still, this is my favorite yet.
