Hey Girl. -Love, Ryan

9:22 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Everyone has seen the Ryan Gosling memes floating around on the interweb, yes? I mean he's gorgeous, stops your heart with a smile, dresses in that "i'm really too cool to care because i'll still look amazing" way, and has a ridiculously adorable dog (named George, go figure) that somehow seems fitting to make this stud appear to be the complete opposite of the douche-bag we girls who can't have him would love to imagine that he is to make ourselves feel better about the missing Ryan in our lives.

(interesting fact: if you read that massive sentence out loud in one breath you should start feeling a tiny bit of the heart pain we Ryan-less girls feel every time we see a picture of this man.)

Prepare your panties ladies and gents- behold the glory that is RG:

ryan gosling dog lax 04
of course he would carry his dog up the escalator....
and his expression: that's love shining out of his eyeballs there, people.
This photo left in giant size for learning purposes only..

</uncontrollable drooling>

so back to what i was saying... Take photos of this man, add quirky - sometimes pithy - captions all around his face and you get:

if you're new to this... SHAME ON YOU! but seriously, you can find out more about this HERE
and if you ACTUALLY read the article, you'll see that you can buy a BOOK of these images!
For the coffee table... or night stand..
or you can just keep it under your pillow.. like i would..
But c'mon not all of us are so political. Some of us are a little more crafty... we don't want Ryan smothering us about rights and voting and all those other very complicated real life things.
Some of us just want him to adore us for our ginormous collection of scrap pieces of fabric that we're forever saving to make cute DIY projects out of... you know who you are!
If only there was some meme out there....
Wait, what?
This Tumblr blog is exactly what you would expect from the Ryan Gosling that just appreciates all those handmade DIY crafts you spend all of your time doing!!! It's like..
Submitted by @PaintingBliss
well when you look at me like that Ryan...
If you're a DIYer; a "crafts" stumbler addict; a hoarder of all things that is waiting to become a better version of something you could buy at the store for cheaper than your project components; and all you other wacky inventors constantly repurposing what others would call "junk" to redesign the wheel in a more personal way, head on over for a chuckle and have a towel handy to wipe off the slobber because let's be honest, the words make our minds jingle but the image is what we really go for ;P
But just in case you're too busy to hop over there now.....
By @sweatshopoflove
It's gonna be hard but... for you?
Submitted by @PangaeaDesigns
Submitted by @mintconspiracy
So supportive..
Submitted by @paintingbliss
George making another guest appearance.... Basking in RG love.

Submitted by Suzy

Submitted by Karen

 Ok ok ok... that's enough.
Ladies..... and gentlemen (cuz you know you like it too) that is all for now. There is an abundance at Handmade Ryan Gosling, probably more than you can handle in a day, so go and make your life just that much sexier with some DIY love from RG.
But here's just one more before I go................. until next time:
By @katiecanavan
that hair, that smile, that stubble. swoon. <3
Just one more.
By @katiecanavan
I'm dying..