Expose #1 : The Environmental Kids by MGMT

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I've decided to begin actively writing essays.  Now, before you vomit from your own memories of writing essays in school, I will give you a fun fact: "Essay" means an "attempt or effort."  Very interesting no?  Breathe easy.  My essays will simply be attempts to think critically about... well, anything at all really.  Some things that maybe need not be too deeply thought about, and some things that perhaps may need more attention than I will give it.  Either way, it is an exercise in writing, communication, and concision.

Care to join me?

The Environmental Kids by MGMT
    We have all heard the catchy song Kids by MGMT.  The lyrics are easy enough to memorize and sing along with, however there is a serious note of lament for the carelessness in the way the earth is regarded.  Along with the bittersweet tones undercutting the sad thoughts about what has happened, and what almost was, there is a caveat to change your behavior: "Control yourself.  Take only what you need from it."
    The song begins by calling to mind being a child.  You were headed to a bright future "makin' mama so proud."  But something was wrong, "your voice was too loud."  This could mean a few different things.  Perhaps you were growing up and as you began to realize the damage that was being done to the environment, you protested, stirring up trouble, and so "your voice was too loud" for those who were doing the damage.  Another interpretation could be that you were on your way to success and making your parents proud but along the way, you became part of the problem.  The damage that you caused was so great that in this manner, "your voice was too loud" and your detrimental impact too great on the earth.  Finally, there is the understanding that "you" refers to society as a whole.  Our "voice," which represents our desires and hopes, is too loud.  We want too much, and we are only able to crawl.  In this sense, it is implied that we don't even have enough power to stand and take responsibility for our actions and yet we cry and cry for more.
     In the second stanza, it is difficult to understand who is the "we" that "likes to watch you laughing."  It could be referring to Nature because it is so giving and so complementary to human life, it can be said that Nature likes to see us happy.  Evidently, we do not share the same sentiment.  On the other hand, "We" could mean the rest of society, yet again.  Society is happy when you are happy, and truthfully, the only way to really be happy in the midst of such environmental degradation, is to be ignorant of it.  Therefore it can be understood that society needs the ignorance of those within it to continue on progressing the way that it is.  You, as an individual, "pick the insects off plants. / No time to think of consequences."  This is the very "present" mindedness that is causing such destruction.  There is no time to think of the damage or what will happen in the future.  It is enough to have what we want right now.  Usually in the real world, there really is no time to think of consequences when there is only a one-tracked mind toward profit and the "right now."
     This state of comfort in the "right now"cannot last.  "The water is warm," because you have everything you want and it is perfect.  But this is not the end of it: "[the water] is sending [you] shivers."  The comfort is not sustainable and there is a foreshadowing of a dismal and cold future ahead.  Even more importantly, the foreshadowing is sent by the water itself.  It is sending the message that this state of consumption for comfort, without thought for what will come, cannot and will not last.  There is "A family of trees wantin', / To be haunted," because at least people do not like to go into haunted forests.  At least as a haunted forest, the family of trees had a better chance for survival.  These two ideas introduce a very different view of Nature.  It personifies elements of nature as being sentient and aware: the water is "sending" a message, the trees "want" to be haunted.  This challenges the way nature is viewed right now- as something which cannot feel and is not alive, that is outside of ourselves and meant to be used.  Such a mentality is what resulted in the destruction that is occurring now.  "A baby is born, / crying out for attention." The environmental problems are coming to light and they need to be addressed.  They need your attention. Perhaps the baby is meant to symbolize a budding consciousness, a worrying, that is surfacing in your mind, but regardless, it needs attention.  The comfort of today will only be a faded memory and if we continue the way we are, they will be unclear like a fogged mirror, as we look back from a worse future version of earth.  The benefit of the memory that will come out of today is not worth the cost to the future.
     The climax of the message is then revealed: "Decision to decisions are made and not bought / But I thought, / this wouldn't hurt a lot. / I guess not."  The choice is being made and you cannot pay to fix it later.  The mistakes that you make out of ignorance, believing that it wouldn't be that bad, will not be fixable with money once the damage is done.  You thought it wouldn't hurt the earth a lot.  You thought it wouldn't hurt you a lot.  You were wrong.  There are decisions being made to cause irreparable damage and neither ignorance nor a blind eye will help you later. Take a hint.

"Control yourself.  Take only what you need from it."