
10:16 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

I was learning mystery tactics.  Remember bucketlist #3?  Yes, I asked some co-workers.  So i'm building my toolbox to become the mysterious individual I've always wanted to be!

1) You must not talk much
2) You have to act like you don't give a fuck
3) You have to have a little sass... like you don't give a fuck
4) You must keep answers to a minimum... like, "Sure" or "Don't worry about it."
5) Keep your opinions to yourself, but if asked, see rule #4
6) When given attention and asked questions from prying individuals, you must remember #5, then implement #4, adding in #3, all the while maintaining #2.  Sadly, if you're doing #1, most times friendly individuals will try to get to know you, in which case, the sequence outlined in #6 begins.

Ugh. I will never be mysterious.  Dammit!  There has to be a different way!! I shall not give up, I'll NEVER give up!