Recipe #1 : Idaho Sunrise

6:44 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

Yum and yum again!!

So, finally beginning with the recipes aspect of this bucketlist, I have created a monster!! A delicious monster! It is eggs, potato, brocoflower, tomatoes, onions, feta, and best of all~~ butter!

As I write this, I await what will be a best brunner ever. You heard right, "brunner." That means breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Now, a photo will be uploaded when I publish this post, but be aware that I am writing this before the yolk has fully cooked in its nice little nest of veggies and spud.  My stomach is awarbling, my mind is aflutter, and my fingers are jittery from the anticipation.  Thank goodness I figured out how to work the stupid gas oven.  Well, since I have a few minutes I may as well tell all.

I had some potatoes, sprouting grossness out of its eyes from much neglect by my old roommate.  However amidst the monstrosities, I found two beautiful Idaho potatoes.  Twinkling as they angelically breathed my name.  Now, of course I don't need two potatoes, for I am a small asian girl with a teeny stomach on shy days and only half a man's appetite on my more tenacious days.  However tell me this! How can I accessorize and beautify and bring to the prime of existence ONE spud and not its sister?!  That is like splitting twins and birth and never telling them that they are not one but two.  No, that is like splitting twins after ten years and never telling them where the other is!! I could never. No, sir. Two spuds it is - if for decency I must sacrifice my tummy, heh heh.

The recipe requires baked potatoes and done the right way that would take three hours.  Your humble narrator has neither the time nor the patience at this present state of hunger to do anything the proper way quite at the moment so please forgive my lack of decorum as I recall to your horror that I threw these magnificent spuds straight into the old microwave and called it a hard night's work.  When finished, I casually sliced off a thin layer off the top, gutted the beauties and dropped into the little nest, some butter, chopped onions, diced broccoli, split cherry tomatoes, a whole egg in each, with a garnish of some feta cheese.  Into the oven it goes for about ten minutes as I wait for the egg to become tender and nutritious, all the while preparing my dish of leftover gutted potato (for I am never wasteful) and a nice little salad to go with the fancy tots.   I peak in the oven and what do I see??  The feta has browned, the egg has colored and the veggies have the flushed color of joy.  Heaven awaits.

And now? I eat. The only thing that comes to mind is.... MMmmmmmm. Not in the Campbell's way, but in the way of a night well spent in a bathtub surrounded by soft music, candles and that really great book you never seem to fall out of love with.

Thank god I made two! Recipe #1 = success.


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eunji unni
May 30, 2011 at 7:30 AM delete

i just LOL'd and LMAO'd and drooled at this post. ;) love you soo, love your writing, and LOVE your recipe!!! :)
