Sexy like Brew-lesque

8:56 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Last time i was jazzed about kombucha i made a big batch that turned out pretty decent and saved my alien SCOBY from my efforts. recently i was cleaning out my fridge and threw my baby away. why? because i just didn't feel like it was still very healthy and happy. so back to the drawing board.

New SCOBYs are on their way as i test between a tea mixture of both black and green tea as well as a straight black tea; home brewed kombucha from a farmer's market and a store bought bottle.  in a week's time they should be half formed.

or maybe only one will be.

maybe neither will survive....

who knows?

it's exciting either way because i'm soon going to be on my way for some home brewed Sooch Booch :)

see with i did there?

