Impending doom...

11:24 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

I have a goal to own a motorcycle by the age of 23.  If you didn't know that about me, read previous sentence again and now you do. Welcome to a little slice of my life.

My birthday will be coming up soon and while that leaves me one more year and a couple of months.. the task seems much more daunting now that the deadline is approaching than it did when I first declared it at age 17. How am I going to do it?! Am I going to make it?!

Are you nervous for me, you sweet soul?

Never fear, nameless damsel. I have two things going for me:

1) As the ultimate procrastinator of everything LIFE centered... the closer to the deadline that I begin to freak out, the more certain it is that I'm gonna SCORE! It is my secret recipe for awesome success. Please note: that is "success" spelled with an "awesome"

2) There is an idea that has been shat into my brain some time back and has now fertilized and spawned into being. This idea being... Sugar. Daddy. Why is this a great idea? Because it's like a sport. You go find one somewhere and get them to give you things. Why don't more people do this? It has been passed through a really thick but somewhat trustworthy vine of grapes that the prime location for this hunt is  What's that you say? I'm going to be a sugar baby? Motorcycle in the bag bitches.

Now you may be imagining that I want some crazy ridiculous Harley or some fancy BMW or even a Ducati. No fool. Shut your mouth! Alls I want is a simple toy-bike. Observe:

And, this being a very simple and plain bike, it costs significantly less than said names above. Ah-ha! Dream doesn't seem so unattainable anymore, eh? {sigh} soon enough. Citibank and Fedloan are just gonna have to wait patiently because I'm not paying money for no "higher" education before I get my bike!! Am I right?

If at all you would like to donate to my cause, please feel free to come drop off some money at my house.  Location revealed upon request and screening for psychopathic suspicions.  Thanks!



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January 16, 2012 at 10:14 PM delete

Price tag?

January 17, 2012 at 2:41 PM delete

are you offering a donation?
