Happiness #7 : Happifying

11:08 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Today is only one week into my 100 day effort to teach myself happiness.

I am grateful for the ridiculous set of circumstances that pushed me so far as to realize that I need to do this for myself.  I am grateful for having pushed along and stuck with it past the first day.  And mostly, I am grateful for the fact that it's working.  Placebo effect? Maybe.  Does it matter if it is? No.

I'm really happy today.  Really just ok with joking, seriousness, laziness, inspiration, and everything else that made up my day.  If happiness is a filter that skews my objectivity with regards to my circumstance and situation, I'm ok with screwy lenses.  At least it's not disappointment or depression.  I think that means I'm doing pretty alright~  All I can say is, if I keep going on this track, by day 100 I'll be sky high and completely retarded with joy... but like I said, I'm ok with that.

On a side note: I've realized that it's going to be fairly difficult and overwhelming to have separate posts regarding all the various aspects of my bucketlist, especially once I start on some of the other projects.  So, I'll be making one post with subheadings regarding the different projects on my list.  Woot woot for economizing!