Reality Check

6:46 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Happiness #9 : Information
Today, I had a wonderful day of lazing, sunshine, good conversation, and some productivity.

However, today I am left with such sorrow as I have never felt before.  Watching the documentary "Earthlings" I cannot understand how humans have come to such a point where blood does not evoke the natural urge to retch, and how pain has become a source of fulfillment.  Despite the sorrow and the guilt for ignorant complicity in the torture of God's creatures, I am happy for having learned.  I am happy for the information, so that I may move forward and not walk a path of evil.  Ignorance is no excuse if it is self induced.

You can watch the entirety of the movie at the website for free.  Take the time to educate yourself.  It only requires one and half hours to realize the distance from our food source has fostered a world of terror.

I choose to reassess my food decisions.  No, this does not mean I have decided to become vegan. But this does mean that I will no longer be using prices as my main indicator of product choice and that suddenly vegetarianism does not seem to require a grand gesture of sacrifice...

Make the Connection.