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Happiness #8
Today, I had an awesome day.  Nothing major, but keeping in mind a new quote: "Wake up every day with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen," I woke up, and happily made my way to work.  The sun was shining, the humidity was up, my coffee was mediocre, but I could feel my old self coming back.... the old self that was able to keep up the energy and turn everything into a fruitful use of time.  Mind you, fruitful doesn't necessarily mean "productive" but definitely enjoyable and memorable.

Working a double shift for ten hours gives you some time to think and discuss.... everything.  I had great probing discussions of what it means to be "tolerant" versus "respectful." The nature of reality- is it an absolute objective world or is it varied depending on the person? We questioned "what is the point of art?" not in terms of "what function does it serve in the universe" but more as "why do we look at art at all? what do we hope to accomplish or gain? what do we actually accomplish or gain?"  We questioned if it is ever possible to "know" an objective and truly factual history (we decided not really)...  And then I invented a new game.

My game is called "Susit" and yes, I very egotistically named it after myself... in a way.  It is a turrets syndrome inducing kind of game and it was literally the most uninhibited fun I have had in a very very long time.  I don't think I laughed so uncontrollably in quite some while.  There is no actual point or objective- as is the case with every awesome game in history.  Basically we shout out code words for all of the relevant colors that we can spot on every patron that walks by the designated area (the lobby right in front of the desk we sit at for hours), and you get a point for calling out the code before anybody else. Once a code has been called, nobody else can get a point from it, and there are as many points available as there are colors that are uncalled.  Ok, so these are the codes:

Blue = meatloaf
Red = salmon
Green = apple
Purple = eggplant
White = ice cream
Black = cheesecake
Grey = fruit loops
Yellow = pizza
Orange = turkey
Pink = mango
Brown = taco

Somebody who walks in wearing a black shirt, blue and white shoes, red shorts with yellow emblems on the side, with a water bottle that has a green top is met with three random employees shouting: MEATLOAF! CHEESECAKEAPPLEPIZZA! MANGO, SHIT, I MEAN ICE CREAM!! .... OOH SALMON!! YES I GOT THAT ONE!!! and so on.  Needless to say, it was incredibly amusing, both for our stress levels increasing as we tried to remember what word correlates with which color, and for the reactions from some of the patrons who were completely at a loss as to why food words were being screamed at them as their attire is being scrutinized and pointed at...  Some even responded with comments like, "Actually ice cream sounds sooooo good right now!"

At the end, I won with 133 points, my friend with 88, and my other friend with 115.  Baller!  They claim that I had an unfair advantage as the game was my own brain child but I will say this: One of them had the list of color/codes in front of them the whole time, and the other sat at the best vantage point to see people coming both in and out of the lobby.  AND they were just being poor losers since they helped me develop the game anyway.... I WIN! hehehehehehe.

The only problem is... I didn't actually accomplish much in terms of work that I need to finish by deadlines.... {sigh} but was it worth it? Definitely every minute of it, because I walk away from today and step into tomorrow as happy as a little clam :)